Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome to BunnyStar's Official Blog Page!

We've just entered August and it's been exactly 4 months since I started my store BunnyStar on SecondLife. And since then I've opened up 5 stores in-world, and finally today we have an Official Blog Site right here on Blogger!

Hi, my name is Mhyja Questi and I'm a Designer/Builder and Owner of BunnyStar Productions.

In SecondLife I make everything from Aesthetics, Apparel, to Eclectic Oddities revolving from Cute to Dark themed merchandise.  My store caters to a wide audience of Mainstream to RP related players.

If anything, I'll be posting up new updates and store items which I hope you'll enjoy experiencing them as much as I do! ^_^

In the meanwhile feel free to check out my store on the SecondLife Market Place !

Or... you can visit our in-world store locations using the SLURL on the right side bar! Hope to see you there! ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Hey! The official blogspot is looking really good, senpai. Gosh, you made a ton of posts today, but I'd expect nothing less from you. ^__^ I'll be sure to add this site into the affiliate category on my page as well. Ciao!
